Driving the Top-Line
Simulations are real and immersive games which offer an experiential education experience. Simulations place people in a risk-free environmrnt which supports their engagement in an authentic experience which contextually demonstrates benefits and consequences.
Gamification is all about applying the DNA of game fundamentals to non-game activities to make them complelling. Gamification leverages 'game mechanics' such as ponts, levels, badges and achievement
Our unique approach ensures a transformative learning experience for managers and leaders in organisations by incorporating three powerful learning techniques: Informal learning, game-based learning and business simulations.
Simulation categories:
Revenue Impact & Optimization
Major Accounts Strategies
High Performance Teams
Change Management
Team Leadership
Innovation Spreading
Social Media
Customized Simulations
The level of interest in simulation games for learning has increased from 14% in 2013 to 31% in 2014 (what about 2016?)
Business simulations games is foreast to grow by a CAGR of 67.2% (to over $5.50 billion) by 2018.
The predominance of apps on mobile phones and tablest means people want to learn by playing games, vs bing lectured to.
The increasing popularity of experiential learning (learning by doing) and social learning (learning by discussing) as a preferred way of acquiring new skills is fuelling the interest in simulation/game based learning.
Informal Learning: Accounts for 70-95% of all learning vs traditional learning which is only 5-30% effective.
Game-based Learning: Strongly facilitates around Team Conversations with support from business experts.
Business Simulation Games: Are more effective than case studies and best if using real data (Ref5) as it improves learning and requires skilled facilitation